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Author: Victoria Hungwe


Behind the Falls

Having become a permanent resident of Victoria Falls, well it’s a suiting title since I have visited the place more times than I can now count, I find that it still gives me joy knowing that a new adventure is about yo be unleashed. The day started out normal, we made our way yo the […]

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I know its been a while but with the new standard of living we have to have time to go on an adventure of some sort. Over the years i have come to realize that there’s that one thing most of us never sit down to consider. We are always constantly on the move trying […]

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I’m sure most of you are familiar with the concept of round or mukando but did you know that ZTA has its own version which is tourism related? introducing the Shanya/Vakatsha travel Mukando which allows individuals to create a group of 10, the group then selects a destination to tour out of the four on […]

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The Bush experience

Way back during my attachment year at Hwange Safari, I remember most of the trainees who were our seniors talking about the hotel hosting Bush dinners. In my head I literally thought it was one of those on the move in a game truck having to pass around plates of food to each other and […]

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Happy new year!!!! 2021 was a bit of an adventure though to be honest, too many ups and downs. We got to see the dams in ko Bulawayo, a bit of cricket by Belgravia and a bit of the Falls whilst crossing over into 2022. So I have been thinking what the point of talking […]

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Hello November!!! As we said goodbye to October last weekend, my fellow young relatives and I decided to say goodbye in a fashionable way. Initially our plan A was to visit Mazowe Dam, a few KZs out of Harare then we shifted to plan B which was PE dams only for us to shift again […]

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Each country has its own unique story of the different struggle and path they took to attain their independence. For us Africans, it’s a milestone that we take privilege in celebrating every year. It’s a time we remember the loved ones we lost and the sacrifices they made for us to be the born free […]

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Rocky Mountain

There is something about the Matabeleland region that breathes tourism life to one’s soul. Having grown up in Bulawayo, I have always appreciated the culture and vibe that comes with it, fun filled and exciting activities that will keep drawing you back literally every weekend without fail. So last Saturday my friends and I went […]

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Walk by the dam

Its been years since i paid a visit to the famous hillside dams, in fact i only visited the place once when i was still a youthie of the Dutch reformed back in 2009! but anyway thats a story for another day. One thing that know is that unplanned adventures are usually the best adventures […]

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I rarely go out anymore, i am still trying to understand whats going on. When i do go out it has to be very important or worth it. On this mini town adventure am going to take you way way back like 2019 back. My first year in harare was pretty much exciting. In my […]

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